Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Weekend Away

We spent the weekend away from Snyder so Jason could get some work done.  So, Jaden, Jaxon and I went to Stephenville to visit Joey and Leslye.  We hadn't been there since we helped them move into their new house last May.

On Friday, we went by Santo to see Leslye's classroom.  We were very excited to see the cute igloo that she made out of gallon jugs.
But that wasn't the only thing Jaden and Jaxon did.  They thought Aunt Leslye's classroom was lots of fun with all there was to do.  They got out the markers at the art table:
They listened to part of a "Humpty Dumpty" book:
Jaden tried the hula hoops:
And Jaxon played in the kitchen:
It was lots of fun!  When Uncle Joey got home Friday night, Jaden could hardly wait to play with his Wii.  So, he and Uncle Joey played baseball.  Jaxon was getting in on the fun by pretending he was part of the game:
Then, after I got the boys to bed, Joey got me on the Wii Fit.  I don't think I actually did enough to get "fit," but it was fun.
Then after a day of playing the Wii inside because it was really cold outside, we went to the Tarleton State basketball games Saturday night.  Aunt Leslye helped Jaden keep stats throughout the whole game:
Jaxon and I just watched the game...
...while Uncle Joey worked:
Then, the halftime show was really neat.  It was a frisbee-catching dog.  The dog would jump up high and catch the frisbees and even do flips.  It was really amazing!  
We had good food and great fun the whole weekend!


  1. Glad you came! It was a lot of fun!

  2. Yes, I enjoyed it. Come back and see us again soon! Love ya!
