Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Camping Trip

Well, I was pleasantly surprised that the camera I sent on the trip actually got used.  So, I thought I would share the photos the boys brought back to me.  

This one I actually took as I dropped them off at Big Spring where we met Eric, Carter and Andrew.  The three boys on the back of the truck were ready to go -- while, one was inside already asleep.  I guess he knew he wasn't going to get much sleep throughout the weekend.  :-)

This picture looks to me like they were having a water gun fight.  If you look closely, you can see how incredibly wet Jaden's jeans are.

Apparently they had the "best climbing trees" there.  That's the first thing Jaden told me when I talked to him on the phone Friday night.  Here is one of them -- I think their favorite.  Jaden didn't seem to have any qualms about the height.  I put their names beside where they are if you can tell.

They tried to go swimming on Saturday, but Jaden said it wasn't much fun.  The water was cooooold and there were too many rocks to walk on.  You can definitely see they are a little tentative about getting in, huh?

And do my eyes deceive me?  Is that MY husband cooking?  Although I don't know if you can count that as cooking.  After all, he is just standing there -- looking at it.  :-)

Here are my boys...

Here are all the boys eating Oreos in the camper.  I'm guessing it's probably about midnight or so.  :-)

Oh, look!  They did actually get some sleep.

This was all of them singing.  (Just in case you're wondering -- Jason does not have the Indian chief hat on.  It's the guy standing behind him.  :-)

Here's that tree again.  And here are the two not-very-daring boys:

And here are the other two -- the two that liked to see how high they could climb:

When I talked to Jaxon on the phone Friday night, he said "Mom, you're missing all the fun!"  I said, "But Jaxon you wouldn't let me go because it was a boys trip."  He just giggled and said, "I know."

It seems as though they had lots of fun and there is probably more camping to come in the future.


  1. Bet they let Mom go next time.

    Mom West

  2. Nope. If they come with us again, squaws are only allowed once a year, and that won't be until next May. That allows us to have a little more "boy fun".

    I can't believe you didn't have a picture of Carter's bloody face or Jaden laying on the ground after falling out of the tree!! Like I said, we got to have some "boy fun".

  3. Sounds like fun! I haven't been camping forever, but Leslye said she'd go with me this summer sometime. We'll see...

    And besides, Jami, I thought you gave up camping?
