Friday, May 8, 2009

On our way!

About three weeks ago, we surprised the boys with some news -- we were going to California to see some special friends.  I made a book for them and Jaden "read" it to himself and Jaxon to reveal the surprise.  When he got to the end where it said "...let's go see Mickey Mouse and his friends at Disneyland" he was concentrating so hard on the words he was reading that he really didn't realize what he had just said.
After Jason said, "Do you know what you just read?"  He said, "Oh!  We're going to Disneyland!?  Wow!"  Here they are holding up their books:

So, after weeks of planning, we are officially "on our way" to see Mickey Mouse and his friends.  Yesterday as we packed the car, of course the baseball stuff HAD to go.  :-)

Then we got the car completely packed -- and it wasn't even filled to the top!  (This picture is for you, Uncle Joey!)

We drove to Midland last night to watch one of Carter's baseball games and stayed with Eric and April so we would be an hour-an-a-half closer this morning.  We left their house about 8:05 this morning.  After a VERY long day in the car, we made it to Chandler, Arizona, at 9:30 p.m. Texas time.  The day was long, but at least the longest drive is over.  

We stopped in El Paso and found a beautiful park and had a picnic lunch.  Here are the boys under the palm tree we found for shade.

And here we are eating our peanut butter sandwiches with the beautiful park behind us.  

And then, of course, we had to play some baseball.  It's a good thing that baseball bag made it into the car with everything else.  :-)

The boys really did pretty good in the car; I brought plenty of activities for them to do.  But 6 hours into the day, Jaden did say, "Dad, I want to fly home."  I'm not sure what he thinks we'll do with our van.

Tomorrow we'll just have a little less than 6 hours to go to get to Disneyland.  Hopefully, it will go as smoothly as it did today and Jaden and Jaxon will get back in the car.  :-)

Love to all back in Texas! 

1 comment:

  1. hey that was so cool i really liked the palm tree picture and the boys playing baseball i hope u have a good time.

    happy mothers day
