Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Last Leg

We made it home!  We had a very long travel day yesterday.  We ended up in Clovis, N.M. for the night.  It was very different driving home than it was driving out to California.  I guess because we were so excited to get there and then so tired and ready to get home.  

After spending the night in Clovis, we got up and went to church at Muleshoe.  We got to see several people who knew Jason's mom when she was young and also ate lunch with Gary and Hollye Hooten (my sister-in-law's aunt and uncle).

This is our last leg in the car:
Before leaving Muleshoe, we drove to Lazbuddie to see the farm where Jason's mom grew up.  Here are some pictures from that:
That was neat to see.  The boys couldn't believe that Memaw had a farm!  


  1. Memaw lived in that house for 13 years before she left for college. The farm has been in the Monk family for 55 years. When your Daddy and Uncle Eric were about yall's ages, they had their picture made in the cotton field beside the house.

    Two bedrooms, living room and kitchen when we moved in. My Daddy and Uncle added a bathroom, utility room, enlarged the kitchen and a sewing room acroos the back of the house. Rode the big yellow dog 8 miles to school.

    Just a little history - thanks for the memories.

    Love you

  2. Hooray for Muleshoe!! Glad you made it home safely!

  3. Let me had Leal's for lunch??

    So glad you had a great time and are home safely!!
