Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Wonder of God's Creation


We have seen so many of God's beautiful creations while we've been gone.  Many that we don't get to see very often:  different kinds of plants, the dessert, mesas, mountains, the beach, the ocean, etc., etc., etc.  It amazes me that God creates people the way he does, but to see his beautiful natural creations just fills me with awe!  

I don't know if you have ever been to the Grand Canyon before, but just let me tell you that these photos do not do it justice.  You just have to go experience it for yourself.  But here is what we saw on Friday.
Now, how can anyone look at that and not believe "There is a God!"  Amazing.  Just amazing!

When we got to the park, we found a nice spot to have a picnic lunch before venturing out to explore a little.  
The boys found some big logs to climb on -- probably the highlight of their day.  :-)
They were not quite as enamored with the Grand Canyon as we were.  Understandably so, I guess.  Their age probably has a lot to do with that.  I think they don't quite understand the awesomeness of the whole thing.  But they will in time, and I'm so glad they were able to experience it.

They did enjoy climbing on anything they could though.
And they enjoyed looking through the binoculars trying to find different things.

It was a neat experience, and even though it meant a little longer to get home than it would have, I'm glad we took them so they could see part of God's wonderful creation that they had never seen before.


  1. Those sandwiches sure do look good!

    Now, how much is it going to cost to get all these pics made, and how many did you take, and then the boys had their cameras. Guess it's time to come home and work for awhile.

    Have missed yall, but so excited about your "adventure".

    love you

  2. God's creation is truly awesome, that is true! Someday, I want to go see the Grand Canyon for my own eyes, but for now, I'll be glad to see it through yours when we get to see the pictures of your wonderful trip! Can't wait!
