Sunday, May 10, 2009

We made it!

Yesterday, we got in the car from Chandler, Arizona, and had about 6 more hours to go.  It wasn't too bad.  We were able to break it up a little which always makes the drive easier.  First, we stopped at a rest area and then took a little hike to go see some cactus.  We were all amazed at how tall they were.

Next, we stopped in Blythe, California, for lunch.  The boys got to play on the playground at the Carl's Jr. where we stopped.  Then we hit the road again.  As we were driving into the LA area, the mountains were so neat to see.  We thought it was amazing that our car thermometer said 99-100 degrees and yet there was snow on top of this mountain:

Then, when we got to the edge of the "metropolis," it seems as though it took forever to get to Anaheim!  There was lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots (I think you get the idea) of traffic.  We drove by Angels Stadium:

Then, after SO much driving, there it was -- we had finally made it!  We were at Disneyland!  I wish I would have captured the excitement on the boys faces with a photo, but I didn't and probably couldn't have done it justice with a just a picture.  They were both just saying "Wow!  We're here!  We're at Disneyland!"  That right there was worth the drive -- I think.  :-)  And we are so much looking forward to how much fun we are going to have in the next five days and can't wait to record the memories we are going to create!

This is the view out our room window.  I don't know if you can see it but it's the pool that is on the third story roof.  We are on the ninth floor.  The pool has a big yellow slide that you can see to the left.  

The three boys decided to go for a swim, but it was too cold for me.  Even though the water was heated, the temperature outside at this time was 63 degrees.  They didn't stay long.  :-)

After the swim, we went for a walk to Downtown Disney to get some supper and look around.  This is our hotel in the background:

When we came back in from Downtown Disney, we found this great statue of Goofy in our hotel lobby.  I hope they take a picture this well with a live and moving character.  :-)

And this is our room -- very spacious and nice.  

And that's it for Day 2 of the trip.  Come back for Day's 3 events.


  1. Hey Jaden, you must have had some rain because the swimming pool has water in it!!!

    love you all, memaw & poppa

  2. I'm so excited for you guys! Can't wait to see what happens next. Hug Micky for me!!!!
    Love, Aunt Tami

  3. I have to say I'm jealous. I hope you guys have a lot of fun and tell us all about it when you get home.
