Sunday, June 28, 2009

Birthday Fun!

Since I haven't taken the time to sit down and blog about what we did for Jaden's birthday, I will put two blogs in one and show you his birthday and his party, which we had yesterday.

Jaden started the day Tuesday waking up to the "birthday banner." This is a banner I made for Jaden's first birthday and now it's used for all birthdays in our house. The birthday boy wakes up to it hanging on his bedroom door.

Then, Jaden got a special treat to which NONE of the rest of us were invited. Kellye Starnes invited him to a special tour of the elementary school where he will be going in August. She got him a special "Snyder Elementary" t-shirt. They discovered that the hall he will be on is the "West" hall. He thought that was pretty cool! He also got to go to the library and make a cupcake in the cafeteria.

After his special tour, we met Memaw and Poppa at Whataburger (the birthday boy's choice) for lunch.

If you know Jaden, I know you will believe this: he had the entire day planned out as to what he wanted to do. Surprising, huh? NOT! Anyway, after a little nap (which wasn't actually in HIS plan), we all went to the golf course for a round of golf.

After golfing, we headed home for sloppy joes (again, the birthday boy's choice) and a little birthday celebration with just the four of us. He requested brownies and got to blow out the candles.

He opened his presents -- a "Snyder Tiger" shirt from Jaxon...

...and a baseball training net from Mom and Dad.

We ended the day with a swim in the pool.

As I was putting him to bed Tuesday night, I asked him how his day was. He said, "It was awesome, the best!" That makes a Mom feel good. :-)

Now, onto his birthday party with nine little boys. We had it at 10 a.m. so it wouldn't be so hot -- but it still was. But it was still lots of fun! He chose a Texas Rangers birthday theme this year. It was easy for me -- I already had lots of Rangers decor.

Say, "Rangers!"

We had our own version of the dot race...
...and musical bases...

...and stick the helmet on the player...

Did you know a grocery bag can be used for a blindfold?

We had lots of fun!


  1. Looks like lots of fun! I like the dot race! Cute idea!

  2. WOW! What a day Jaden had! I'm coming to your house for my birthday next year. When I wake up can I hang the banner on my door? Great party too. Sis, you are just pretty much the most creative person I know.
