Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jaden!

If you're reading this at the actual time it is being posted, then six years ago at this exact time I was lying on an operating table hearing our first-born son cry and feeling very relieved. It's amazing the feelings that I had that I still remember to this day. I guess feelings like that will never be forgotten -- I hope not anyway.

And now, six years later, I still get emotional when I think of how he has grown and changed. All for the better, of course, but it's hard. No one ever said parenting was easy -- but someone should have told me what an incredible roller coaster ride I was in for. :-)

He's gone from this happy baby:

To this happy little boy:
And we are so blessed to have him in our lives. Here are a few things about him that I'd like to remember and hope you would like to know.

  • He loves to sing -- which is a good thing because the rest of us do, too.
  • He likes to put on shows and can't wait to be in an actual production of some kind. I'm sure he'll let ALL of you know when that happens.
  • He loves his little brother and takes care of him. Although they're not always perfect in the way they act toward each other (what siblings are?), they do get along pretty well and for that, we are thankful.
  • He likes to learn and is very excited that he is picking up on some reading on his own.
  • He can't wait to go to Kindergarten in August, although Mommy is not necessarily looking forward to it.
  • He loves baseball and can't get enough of it. He plays it, watches it, talks about it, and plays it some more. Sometimes I think he was born with a baseball glove on his hand and they just took it off before I could see it.
  • He likes to be with family.
  • He has always had a huge imagination, complete with imaginary friends -- enough to have a whole baseball team at times.
  • He likes to go to church and lead singing and learn about God.
  • He is a sweet boy who likes to please others, but does occasionally have his own ideas about things. :-)
Happy 6th Birthday, Jaden! You are such a blessing in our lives and we love you very much!


  1. AMEN! We are blessed to have Jaden in our lives. Happy Birtday Jaden--you are an awesome grandson!

    Jami, you wouldn't have believed anyone if you were told what an emotional roller coaster ride you were about to have and and it will never be over but what a fun ride--most of the time! :-)

    Love you all!

  2. I hope Jaden had a fun day!
