Saturday, August 29, 2009

And so it begins...


With school starting comes the exciting Friday nights of football. So, if you know us, you know exactly where we'll be on Friday nights -- watching the Tigers!

These are the new football jerseys we surprised the boys with before the game. They were VERY excited!

The funny thing was that when we picked Jaden up from school the boys were arguing in the car over which one of them was going to where the old football jersey we already had. Little did they know, mom had a plan.

I thought it would be fun to give Jaden a "Happy First Week of School" gift. And Jaxon needed a "Happy Making It Through the First Week of School Without Jaden During the Day" gift. Don't you think?

I couldn't resist this photo, although it doesn't do the beautiful sky justice. There's nothing like a beautiful sunset over a football game, huh?

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