Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

There he is with backpack and lunchbox in hand ready to go. I asked him if I could take some pictures (surprise, surprise) and he, of course, had his own idea of poses. He said, "Let's go out in the back and take a couple and then let's go to the front." So, we did. He poses so well you'd think he's had his picture taken a few times before, huh?

Here is a "goodbye big brother" hug.
I'm not real sure Jaxon still understands what's going on. As he and I headed to the library today, here was one of our conversations:
Jaxon: "Mommy, what is Jaden going to do tomorrow?"
Me: "He'll go to school."
Jaxon: "He will? What about the next day?"
Me: "Well, he'll go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and then he'll be home with us on Saturday and Sundays."
Jaxon: "Wow! That's a lot of school."

It made me smile, but I least today anyway. :-)

After we took the posed pictures, Jaden said, "Oh, take one like I'm walking away to school." So, I did. He was a little too eager for me. :-)
Jason decided that it would be a good idea for he and Jaxon to sit in the car while I took him in. I don't know if that was good or not, but that's what we did. Here he is in front of Mrs. Bowen's door.
Here he is waving goodbye to me. I think he was ready for me to leave. Last night we read the book, "The Night Before Kindergarten." In the book, the teacher expects all the kids to be crying but instead all the parents are crying and standing at the door by the end of the book. He said, "Mommy, I don't want you to be like those parents in that book." So, I left. And then I cried.
Jaxon and I didn't think that 2:45 could get here soon enough today. But when it finally came, we were there waiting on him to walk out the doors. Jaden gave Jaxon a big hug and said, "I missed you, Buddy."
We went for an after-school Sonic treat before we went to Daddy's office to hear all about the day.
His day was very full and he tried to remember all he could to tell us. They started off with breakfast and he was happy to see that the school did have chocolate milk to drink. Then somewhere during the day they talked about the rules, they colored a picture, they went to the computer lab and watched a video (he really wanted to play on the computers though), they went to P.E., they went to lunch, they went to music class (where he and two other classmates were looking around and "lost" their class -- they found them though), they went to recess, they rested and then went home. That's about all we got from him.

I asked him when I tucked him in tonight if he liked school. He said yes. I said, "So, I guess you want to go back tomorrow." He smiled and said, "Yes, if you'll wake me up."

So, we made it through the day. All of us. And, I guess we'll get up and do it again tomorrow.


  1. One day down, somewhere around 2500 to go. I'm glad it went well, and he was very descriptive of his day, at least compared to Carter. He went to PE, music, recess, got to rest, colored a picture...tell Jaden if he ever wants to trade, I'll go to Kindergarten.

    But what I really want to know is: How was the traffic?

  2. I don't know. I couldn't see the traffic -- my eyes were blurry. :-) That's why Jason drove.

  3. Cute first day of school pictures!!

  4. Thanks for sharing! The pics are cute! It is so sad how fast they grow up. Kaelyn started 6th grade. Hard to believe that this is her last year of elementary school. We are going to be in Abilene for homecoming. Hope to see you guys!


  5. Sounds like a great first day... And as Eric said, hopefully he enjoys the next 2,500 or so as much as he did the first!

  6. Awww....I seriously will be calling you in a year for help with this! Adorable pics of Jaden-- love his "posing"! Glad it went so well!
