Sunday, October 18, 2009

Being Thankful

I REALLY need to do some work right now, but I just feel compelled to blog instead. It's been a while, plus I've just been thinking a lot today about how blessed I am. Really, really blessed!

I'm thankful for all the safe travels that we had this weekend. I'm thankful for my mom and dad who so graciously let Jason and I go on TWO dates this weekend and they kept the kids both times. I'm thankful that Jaden and Jason are both feeling better from their sinus (or whatever) illnesses (although Jaxon has now got something, so ugh!). I'm thankful for Jaden and Jaxon because every day I'm reminded what a true blessing they are in my life.

But most of all today, I'm thankful for a wonderful, Christian husband who is the spiritual leader in our household and who was installed as a deacon this morning at our congregation. It's very flattering and humbling to think that the church chose him as one of the men who they believe can and will be a leader and serve the Lord. He is such a great Christian example to me, to our children and to everyone around him. He loves the Lord and it shows, and for that I am truly thankful!


  1. We are all blessed and so proud of your family! What a fun weekend we had!!!!!!
