Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Two Weekends

Well, I now have two weekends to blog about since I haven't yet.

I've already mentioned that the weekend before last, Mom and Dad kept the boys while Jason and I went on two dates. One date was to see the ACU Homecoming musical on Saturday night. While we did that, Nana and Pawpaw took Jaden and Jaxon to the pumpkin patch in Abilene.

They each got to pick some pumpkins. The story is that Jaxon found this little pumpkin he's holding at the very beginning and didn't let go of it. He was taking that one home for sure.

Then, they went on a hayride together. They called us on the cell phone while we were eating to tell us about it. They thought that was pretty cool!

When they left the pumpkin patch, they went by McMurry University to Tee-Pee Village. They were able to see some indians and even go inside a real tee-pee.

On Sunday, Nana and Pawpaw drove over for church and Jason's deacon installation. They also kept the boys for our second date which was a show in Lubbock -- Mamma Mia!

So, the boys got to decorate the pumpkins they had picked at the pumpkin patch on Sunday afternoon with Nana and Pawpaw. Here they are on our front porch. They had to do four because Jaden says they are all for us -- the cat is Jaxon, the alien is Jaden, the clown is me, and the frankenstein is Jason. They did a good job and had fun doing it!

So, that was the first very eventful weekend. Now onto this past weekend.

We went to the Snyder football game in Sweetwater Friday night and then drove to Stephenville to Joey and Leslye's house.

Saturday we just hung out at their house most of the day where Leslye cooked a yummy breakfast, and then Joey and Leslye cooked a delicious lunch on the grill. That's definitely a plus in going to see them is that the food is always great!

The boys got to play baseball outside for a little while with Uncle Joey and Pawpaw.

Here is Jaxon helping Aunt Leslye bake a cake.

And here's what the boys did the rest of the time: play the Wii. They REALLY like that thing!

Saturday night, we all went to the ACU vs. Tarleton game. While Joey and Leslye worked in the press box, the rest of us sat on the ACU side to cheer on the Wildcats. Unfortunately, we didn't cheer loud enough though because the Texans beat the Wildcats 13-6. Ugh!

Jaxon couldn't bear to watch...

And here is Jaden plotting the winning play for them...
I'm seriously thinking he should have gone down and given them his play. It couldn't have made it any worse. :-)

We have had lots of fun for the past couple of weekends, and have many more busy ones to come. Hope everyone is doing well and staying well!


  1. We enjoyed both weekends--so much fun!!!!!!!!

  2. We never got to compare notes on Mamma Mia! April and I definitely had a great time. Hope y'all enjoyed it.
