Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We've had a busy, busy day and just wanted to share a little of it with you.

Jaden got to dress up in his costume for school today. After MUCH discussion over the past few weeks, he finally decided to recycle an old costume (yeah for me!) and be a Snyder Tiger football player. When he wore this costume in 2006 it fit a bit differently than it did today.

Here he is in 2006 when he was 3 (notice the length of the pants):

And here he is today with me, the referee, and Jaxon, the biggest Tiger fan.

So, the day started out with Jaxon and I taking Jaden to school and helping with the PTA tattoos. There wasn't much tattoo selling today, so we got done early. But, Jaxon and I stuck around for the costume parade which was fun to watch. (I forgot my camera though. Ugh!)

After the morning events at school, Jaxon got to go stay with Memaw while I had my first official event as Room Mom! Yeah! I've been waiting for the opportunity to help out in Jaden's classroom and today I finally got my chance. We had a fun Halloween party where the students from Jaden's classroom and another classroom participated in 6 different centers full of Halloween fun. I was in charge of the pumpkin painting center. Here is Jaden painting his pumpkin.

Here is his group that was painting pumpkins together.

After school and after Jaden and I picked up Jaxon from Memaw's house, we went downtown to the "Trick or Treat Around the Square." The kids got WAY too much candy but had lots of fun!
Hope everyone else has had a good day and hope you all have a Happy Halloween! Beware: Christmas is right around the corner. :0)


  1. Happy Halloween! Glad the Halloween party was a success! I know only 8 weeks until Christmas!

  2. Cute pictures! Know you had a fun time!
