Sunday, November 8, 2009

First Field Trip

Friday was a fun day! Jaden got to go on his first field trip. I got to go on my first field trip as a room mom. Jaxon got to stay at the office all day with Daddy. And Daddy, well, he got to keep Jaxon all day at the office. :-)

I realize to most of you, this next picture won't be very exciting. But I took it because Jaden has been so very excited to ride a school bus since, well, he started school. So, I just had to take a picture of his first school bus ride. He's on there somewhere...

We went to Jaden's teacher's house for the field trip. They live out in the country and have goats, a donkey and a llama. And yes, if you know our Jaden, you'll know that is him on the far left of the picture AWAY from all the animals.

Here he is in front of the old horse, Fedeem. He was doing tricks and "kissing" Mrs. Bowen's husband -- Fedeem, not Jaden. :-)

After looking and petting the animals, the kids ran in to the field to look for cow bones. Jaden didn't find one and was very disappointed, but had fun looking anyway.

After the cow bone hunt, we took a trailer ride down to the pasture. 39 kids, 2 teachers, 4 room moms, 4 teachers' aides and lots of bumps made the trailer ride very interesting.

When we got down to the pasture, we found a place in the creek to cross over and went for a walk looking for animal tracks and more bones. Jaden found this deer track all by himself and was very proud!

Then we picked berries to help make our paint for later.
The paint we made from berries, dirt (and actual paint thrown in there) was used to paint our tee-pee. Each kid got to paint an Indian symbol on the class tee-pee. Jaden chose to paint "camp" and here it is:
We ate hot dogs around the tee-pee, played a few games and then loaded up and headed back to school. I would say it was a very successful trip because we were all very tired when we got back.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very fun day! Look at all the great things you get to do as room mom!! Lucky you! Jaden, nice work on the tepee. Cody said great work on finding the deer track. Love you guys!
