Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Fall!

Even though Fall officially started in September, it just doesn't seem like fall until the leaves start to do just that -- fall!

And with the weather being so warm and beautiful lately, it just hasn't seemed like November. Well, today was a little different. The weather was still fairly warm, but there was a wind and it seems like the leaves just started changing and falling overnight.

Jaxon likes to point out the different colors of the leaves, especially when we are in the car. So, today he and I decided to go for a walk and gather some different leaves. And we found LOTS of different ones -- different shapes, different colors, different sizes.

We took the wagon along to carry all our leaves (and Jaxon when he got tired of walking).

Here is Jaxon with his bucket o' leaves.

I thought it would be fun to make placemats for the four of us with the leaves we collected. Here is Jaxon writing fall sayings on the paper we put the leaves on. He has really gotten into writing lately. I, of course, have to spell everything for him, but he can confidently write almost every letter -- and is very proud of himself when he does.

Here he is helping to make the placemats. He arranged the leaves where he wanted them and I was in charge of the clear contact paper.
I just realized I forgot to take a picture of the finished products. I guess I'll have to do that later. Hope you are all having a wonderful fall season!

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