Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Birthday Bash

Now that we've "celebrated" Jaxon on this blog for a week, I thought maybe I should take a minute to write about what we did for his birthday.

But before I begin, I just want to say that I know my posts always have a lot of pictures. This one is no different, so I'm just warning you now. After all, we are celebrating a birthday here. Pictures are a must!

Sidenote and confession: My name is Jami West and I take too many pictures. :-)

Anyway, back to Jaxon's birthday.
Jason and I decided to give him our gifts on his actual birthday so he would have something to open that day. Here is our FOUR year old (still a little hard to believe!):
Yes, he finally got his very own football helmet. Now, he can play with big brother and not have to wear his bicycle helmet. He was VERY happy about this.
And we gave him more Legos. I guess we thought the boys didn't get enough for Christmas. But, hey, they really are lots of fun to build!
We had his party this past weekend with all the family coming in (except for Uncle Joey and Aunt Leslye who we missed).

Ever since Jaxon decided on what kind of theme he wanted for his birthday he has told me over and over again, "I want a Buzz and Woody cake." He doesn't even eat cake, but by golly he wanted a "Buzz and Woody cake" and that kid was getting a "Buzz and Woody cake"!

So, I enlisted the help of my sister to decorate. She needed a job to do. :-)
Didn't she do great?! This was one happy four-year-old over his Buzz and Woody cake.
When the cousins got to the house, the fun began. The kids made their own Sheriff's badges.
Then we played pin the badge on Woody. This is Jaden not getting very close to where the badge was supposed to go.
We went on a hunt for army men. This was before the hunt. The kids were having fun with their buckets.
We tried to see who could defeat Zurg. In case you can't see here what's going on, Zurg is on top of two separate containers. Each team had to see how many balls they could get into their container to see who could defeat Zurg. One team won with like 42 balls and the other team had, I think, 39 balls in their bucket, plus there were a lot on the ground that didn't even make it into the buckets. And just in case you're wondering -- yes, ALL those balls came from our house. I did not buy a single one for this game. And I probably shouldn't mention this but I didn't even use all the balls we actually own. The good news is, if you ever need ball, you can come to our house. :-)
Then we had birthday cake and sang to the birthday boy. Here are all the kids: (from left, Andrew, Mallory, Carter, Jaxon, Cody, Jaden)
We had lots of fun and I loved the Toy Story theme because decorations were cheap -- we just pulled out a bunch of toys and put them around. Fun! Hope you had a great birthday, Jaxon!


  1. It's about time we got to see pics! Hehe, just kidding.

    We missed being there, but it looks like it was a lot of fun! Hope Jaxon had a great day!

    Love ya lots!


  2. Looks like loads of fun! Cute cake! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!
