Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday!

Can you believe my BABY is 4 years old today?! I can't. But he is. And I guess I'm going to have to accept it and move on, huh?

Besides just the fact that he's my son, there are many things I love about this kid!
  • I love that he adores his Daddy!
  • I love that he loves his big brother!
  • And, of course, I love that he loves his Mommy, too!
  • He loves to sing. Below is a picture taken by his Memaw that I think is absolutely priceless. Not many people get to hear him sing because he's so shy. And usually when I pull the video camera out, he stops. But, just so you know, he sings ALL the time. He makes up songs, he sings to himself when he thinks no one else is listening...like while I'm typing this, he's singing Happy Birthday to himself. :-)
  • He loves sports -- pretty much all of them. He plays. He watches. He cheers. He's a huge Snyder Tiger fan and a Texas Rangers fan. Here he is last season cheering on the Tiger baseball team.
  • He plays "games" all the time with his imaginary friends: Riley, Kevin, Kyle and Lisa. He actually writes the line-up on a piece of paper and then they usually play football or baseball. If your name isn't on that list, then you don't get to play.
  • He's a very determined player. He LOVES to win and HATES to lose!
  • He can sit for a long time and look at books.
  • He can't wait every day until we get to go pick up Jaden from school. He's the clock watcher and when I tell him it's getting close to time, he keeps checking the clock until time to leave.
  • He has an absolutely infectious giggle that I adore! I love it when he makes himself laugh because of something he did that was funny.
  • He gives the best "bear" hug a 3-year-old, I mean 4-year-old can give! I call them my "Jaxon hugs" and I try to squeeze one out of him at least twice a day.
  • He loves to snuggle. I like the fact that he always wants me to lay on the couch with him while he watches some TV. It doesn't matter that I've seen certain episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or the Imagination Movers thousands of times. :-)
  • He is an artist -- one who enjoys drawing and finds satisfaction in everything he produces.
  • He is a child of God and loves to go to Bible class. I also love the way his face lights up when we sing a song in worship service that he knows well.
  • I love the fact that God gave us such a sweet boy to raise and to love. We are so blessed to have him in our lives!
Happy Birthday, sweet Jaxon. We love you!


  1. Happy Birthday Jitterbug. WhataBurger, here we come......
    Love you, Memaw and Poppa

  2. A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAXON! We love you bunches!
