Thursday, March 25, 2010

Makes My Heart Smile...And God's, Too!

As parents, I believe we have a lot of wants and wishes for our kids. We want them to be kind. We want them to be loving. We want them to obey us. We wish for them to have good friends AND be a good friend. We wish for them to live life to the fullest and enjoy every minute.

But I believe our ultimate goal for our kids is that we want them to get to Heaven. We want them to follow God and become a Christian. Ultimately I know this is their decision and all I can do is teach them, take them to church when the church meets, and be the best example I can be.

I realize as I get older and my kids get older, that these things aren't always easy to do, but very necessary -- especially if we want them to reach that ultimate goal.

I say all that to say there are times when my heart smiles because my kids do something to make that happen. Last night was one of those times. We were at our Wednesday night devotional and both boys seemed to be quite involved in the service. They both sang the songs their Daddy was leading (as they often do). They know to stop and talk to God when it's time. But then, when the man leading the devotional talk got up to speak, Jaxon opened his Bible when the man said where to turn and looked as though he was following along. I couldn't resist grabbing my phone and snapping a picture.
Then, I knew Jaden was listening as well because he was making notes. And here is what he wrote:
As the old saying goes: "Out of the mouths of babes..." We should listen to our kids more often. They really do have a lot to say!


  1. That's our grandsons--practically perfect in every way.:-) Thanks for sharing those sweet pictures.
    We are proud of you and Jason and the wonderful example you are for them.

  2. Makes this uncle smile, too! Thanks for raising my nephews in the Light! I hope the same for ours as well!

  3. P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S! I just don't even have words....just precious!!

  4. You have such sweet boys, Jami! I agree, nothing could make a parent more proud!

  5. We have been watching your boys since they were babies, and we see how well they have been taught. I'm so impressed at how well mannered they are. The glow in their eyes when "dad" is up leading singing is hard not to watch. You have a beautiful family and I enjoy watching the boys grow and the way they get involved in worship services. It won't be long before they will both be leading singing as those boys did last night. I'm pretty sure they could do a good job already.
