Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break Fun!

Well, this was Jaden's first official Spring Break as a school kid -- and next year, he would like to order Spring Break AFTER April 15. Our conversation:
Jaden: Mom, will Spring Break next year be after April 15 so Daddy can go with us.
Me: No, Jaden. So sorry. This is your first Spring Break and for 12 more Spring Breaks, your Daddy will most likely be working.
Jaden: Ah, man!
Oh, well. We had fun anyway -- even though Dad couldn't go with us.

We started off the week staying at home and just playing and taking it easy. Then the middle of the week, we met Nana and Pawpaw and Aunt Tami and Cody in the Metroplex to play and shop! I didn't take any pictures of us shopping -- we were too busy, of course. But here are some pictures of the Science Museum in Dallas.

First, they went digging for dinosaur bones...

Aunt Tami got in on the big bubble fun...
Then, they dressed up like firefighters and got in the firetruck...

Then, there was something perfect for my kids -- a stage. Jaden dressed up like an astronaut and put on a mini show...
Jaxon dressed up like the big bad wolf, but wouldn't get on the stage. There were too many people watching for his shy little self...
Here's Pawpaw and Nana with all three boys...
Tami and I did lots of shopping while Nana and Pawpaw kept the boys at the hotel and went swimming. Then, they took them to play miniature golf on Friday. Tami and I were going to go play with them, but we were told we weren't invited. So, what are two girls to do in the Metroplex with nothing else to do -- go shopping, of course!

We had lots of fun!


  1. We had so much fun and enjoyed every minute!! Can't wait until we can do it again. We didn't mind you going golfing with us but we all knew you two had rather be shopping. Afterall, you had only been shopping for TWO days and weren't finished yet. :-)

  2. We had a great time too!! We should do that again sometime. I like the idea of the grandparents spending "quality" time with their grandkids while we just hang out somewhere with nothing to do!! HA!

  3. That is SO not fair! Hey, can I become a sister and join in on the fun next year? It would only double the number of grandkids! HA!
