Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jaxon and his... BIKE!My little boy is growing up. The last couple of weeks Jaxon has been riding Jaden's bike while Jaden was at school. I couldn't hardly believe it when Jaxon said, "Mom, can I try riding on Jaden's bike." I said, "Sure, I guess so." (Secretly thinking there is no way he can do that. He's too small.) Little did I know. I was wrong -- it isn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last.

I don't know if it's because he's the second child or what, but Mr. Independent can usually do what he wants to do even if I think he can't.

So he got on Jaden's bike and took off. Then he started asking for his own. Normally we would wait until a birthday or Christmas to make a purchase like that. Or seriously, in the back of my mind, I'm thinking, "Well, Jaden can get a new bike for his birthday and Jaxon can just have his old one."

Then it dawned on me. I'm a second child. I sometimes got new things of my own. But I very often got hand-me-downs. Not that those weren't o.k. They were. But it was nice to get a few things of my own. And with Jaxon's birthday and Christmas being so far away, we wanted him to enjoy it now.

So yesterday we took him on a surprise shopping trip and he picked out this Lightning McQueen bike. He's very proud of it, and big brother thinks Jaxon's bike is cooler than his. He even tried to get him to trade -- that's not the first time something like that has happened, and I'm sure it won't be the last.


  1. So.... getting a brand, new 10-speed bike on TAMI's birthday was a hand-me-down... and how about all those new "narrow" shoes we spent hours and hours on trying to find for you - I don't think those were hand-me-downs... And I don't really remember you wearing any of Tami's clothes... so exactly what were those hand-me-downs you were talking about??? Love ya anyways!

  2. Yea! What hand-me-downs did you get? Poor middle child!! JUST KIDDING!!! Love you!!
