Monday, April 26, 2010

A Very Blessed Day!

Ever had one of those days that is emotionally draining AND amazingly uplifting all at the same time. That's what our day was yesterday.

These eight people started a legacy 37 years ago. A legacy of friendship. A legacy of raising Christian children. A legacy of praising God whenever they got together. A legacy of love.

Each couple has two sons. I always thought that was neat. And the sons are all as close of friends as their parents are.

I've heard stories over the years of many camping trips where lots of interesting things happened. I've heard stories about all their children's weddings. I've heard stories of times they traveled together to events.

And, I was fortunate enough to be accepted into this extended family at least 18 years ago, so, I've got my own stories to tell. :-)

I really can't remember the last time we were all together. It's been a while. And though we weren't all there yesterday, 32 of the 43 this family has produced were there. We were there to eat, fellowship and, of course, to sing. Because that's what we do when we get together. We sing and we sing and we sing some more. And it's the best time ever! I know Heaven is going to have beautiful singing, but you can't get much closer to that then when these four families get together and praise God!

I wish these 5 children had a knowledge of how much of an impact those 8 people and their kids have had on their lives and will have in many years to come. They are part of that legacy, whether they know it or not. And for that I am thankful.
I so wish we could get together more often. Maybe we can in years to come. But yesterday was amazing and will always be a great memory.

Thank you Bowdens, Lyons, Martins and Wests for starting that friendship, for continuing to love, and for teaching your children the right way. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Jami, that is just the neatest story. It brought tears to my eyes, and a lump in my throat. These are all very special people, and it's such a neat legacy that these kids and grandkids will carry on forever.
