Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday!

So, today is Jaden's 7th Birthday! Yes, 7th. (I'm trying to convince myself that it is true.) How can he possibly be 7 years old?!

I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 7 years with this child in my life. He has brought us so much joy, laughter, and love!

Here are a few things I want to remember and that I love about Jaden Landry West at this age!
  • He loves and takes care of his little brother.
  • He absolutely adores his daddy!
  • He loves his mommy, too (which of course I love!).
  • He started school this past year very enthusiastically! He was SO excited to get to go to Kindergarten. And now he's SO excited to get to go to first grade!
  • I love that he is always willing to tell me about school when he gets in the car.
  • He's finding he likes to read. And I love it when he reads to Jaxon.
  • He loves sports -- just about all of them. But he seems to have a passion for baseball. I'm pretty sure he's always thinking about baseball and has an unusual knowledge of the game for a 7 year old (I think).
  • He started playing the piano this year and really enjoys it. He's doing very well and continues to practice this summer. I love that his face lights up when our face lights up because we recognize a song he is playing.
  • He loves to swim; and he's like a fish -- always wanting to be in the water.
  • He loves to play games: board games, card games...and did I mention he likes baseball?
  • I love that he runs and hugs Jason or me after he hasn't seen us in a while, even if it has only been a couple of hours.
  • He likes to draw and do crafts, and has found a love for Legos this past year.
  • He loves to dress up and do shows at home and was very excited when he got to be in his Kindergarten program at school. We might have a little performer on our hands.
  • He can name all the players, their numbers and their positions of his favorite sports teams, mainly the Texas Rangers and Snyder Tigers football, basketball and baseball teams. But I don't know why that should surprise you -- he's been able to do that since he was two or three. :-)
  • He is a child of God and enjoys going to Bible class. I love to hear him sing in worship service, and know God's heart smiles when He hears it, too.
  • His laugh will make you laugh and his smile will melt your heart.
  • Sometimes he's just an all-around cRaZy kid!
  • I love the fact that God gave us such a wonderful child to raise and to love. We are so blessed to have him in our lives!
Happy Birthday, sweet boy! We love you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY SPORTS BOY WEST...Jim's birthday was yesterday also...

  3. What a great kid!! Can't believe he's 7 either! Wasn't it just yesterday that he was born!! Love you Monkey!! Glad you had a great day!!

  4. Can't believe it either! Hope your birthday was swell! So glad God gave you to us!

    Oh, and I love the way that he runs and hugs me when he sees me and that he loves his Uncle Joey and Aunt Leslye!

    We are proud of you!
