Sunday, July 11, 2010

We are on God's Team!

Ok. I'm sooooo very behind on blogging. Sorry. Time has gotten away from me. Plus, I just haven't been in the mood to blog. But I need to get back on it because I enjoy going back and looking at posts. Hopefully, you do to. One day I hope to make a book of this blog. It's such a wonderful way to keep the memories alive.

Anyway, today I'll post about VBS and then I'll try to continue to get caught up.

We had our Vacation Bible School the last week of June. It was fun, but it was a lot of work, too! All of it was worth it though. The excitement of the kids is so exciting for us who put it all together. Hopefully, it was all to God's glory and we now have lots of permanent members on God's Team.

So our theme was "Join God's Team: Together We Win!" If you haven't guessed it yet, it was a sports theme. So appropriate for us, don't you think. Not sure if I should tell you this or not (but most of you already know anyway and won't be surprised), but we decorated our entire family center with sports items from our house. I know! Crazy, isn't it?!

Jason was the "umpire" of the week. He always does such a GREAT job at leading the kids. So proud of him for all he does to get the kids excited about God!
Here is Jason and "Tater the Clown." He was our character for our circus theme last year and so we brought him back this year because he was such a hit with the kids. Tater (a.k.a. Kevin Tate) didn't know much about sports (literally), and so each night Jason and the kids had to straighten him out about how to be a member of God's Team.
Jaxon listening attentively to Tater and Daddy...
One night Jaden got to be in the Bible skit. He was the paralytic that got lowered through the roof to see Jesus. He ate this up!
Jesus said, "Rise up and Walk" ... and he did!
Part of our decorations was a baseball scoreboard -- we only had four innings (which was for the four nights of VBS). Each night we had a score for the devil's team -- which was always 0 -- and a score for God's Team -- which was the total number in attendance. The kids looked forward to the anticipation of revealing the score every night. It was fun!

It really was fun, but I really am glad we have another year of VBS behind us. Every single thing we did for it was worth it though when I put Jaden to bed one night during that week and he said, "Mom, I really like VBS!" Woo-hoo!

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