Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Being Artistic...Yeah, That's It!

Ok. So, if you know me, you know I used to be really crafty -- before kids, that is. Now, the craftiness is still in my blood; it's just that the time is not very often found.

But I decided when the summer began that we were going to pull out the crafts every now and then and have some fun! Luckily and thankfully, my kids have some of that crafty blood in them. We've made necklaces. We've made bracelets. We've painted t-shirts. We've painted pictures. And we still have several more projects to go. But here we painted a model race car and a model ship.
And here are the finished products...
So besides being crafty today, the boys wanted to put on a show (hence the makeup on Jaden's face in the previous picture). We put on shows quite often around here...and today it was all about football!
Sidenote: Uncle Eric and Aunt April recently went to Universal Studios in Florida and brought the boys back a...well a...whatchamacallit thingy that you clank between scenes and takes and so forth...what's this thing called?...well, anyway. Just so they know, it was money well spent on our boys. They l-o-v-e it and think it's pretty cool to have for use in their shows!
So, I mentioned the show was all about football. There was muscle pumping...mean-looking faces...tackling of the imaginary friends...and victory dances. Wish you could have all been here to watch it.
And here is Jaden being, well, his dramatic self:
And here is Jaxon laughing at him:
Love these kinds of days together. But most of all, love the memories we are making!

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