Monday, July 26, 2010

Must. Get. Caught. Up.

Ugh! I'm so far behind in my blogging. But I want to get caught up, so I'm going to do it one -- what I'm sure will end up being -- long post. Sorry, but you don't have to read it if you don't want to. :-)

All-Star Cody
After we left the Metroplex from our 4th of July Rangers trip, we stopped by Olney to watch my nephew Cody play in an all-star game. We were so glad we were able to finally catch a game because we hadn't been able to see him play all season.
He started the game pitching...
Then switched to left field...
Jaxon and Jaden got to help Uncle Jeff with the scoreboard and the announcing...
The Cubs won that night so we got to spend the night so we could see another game the following day. Woo-hoo!

Here is Jaxon looking cool in Cody's sunglasses...
Here is Jaden chillin' out with Aunt Tami.
The Cubs lost that night and were out of the tournament. But we are so proud of our All-Star Cody!

Camping with Nana and Pawpaw
My mom and dad have been wanting to take the boys camping, so on their way back from Colorado, they stopped by here to pick up the boys to take them to the Abilene State Park for a couple of days. The boys were SO excited!
Apparently, they did a lot of bike riding...
And played on the playground...
Had to get both of these pics in here so neither boy would have their feelings hurt since they each took one. (Sorry, Nana! :-)
They saw lots of wildlife, including deer and this...
I'm not real sure I've ever seen an armadillo that close that wasn't smashed on the roadway. The boys were so excited they called me on the cell phone while they were looking at this.

They had so much fun! And they're already talking about the next camping trip and how Jason and I HAVE to go because it's just SO much fun! I told them that we had a tent and we could go camping in that anytime. They both said, "But it doesn't have an air conditioner." Oh, my! My kids are so spoiled!

Midland Weekend
We spent this past weekend in Midland with Eric, April, Carter, Andrew and Mallory. I can't believe that these are the only three pictures I took all weekend long on my camera. Oh, well. Friday night we experienced something I don't think any of the 9 of us had experienced before. We went to the drive-in movie and saw "Despicable Me." We took supper to the drive-in early to get a good spot. Here are the boys eating supper in the back of Eric and April's van...
Mallory loved Jaxon's Mickey Mouse chair so that's where we found her most of the time.
And here is the view between our vans.
It was fun -- yes, a very late night -- but fun!

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