Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 3, 2010

Ok, so let's continue...July 3 was the actual celebration day in Snyder. All week the weather had been cool and rainy. We weren't sure that normal Independence Day celebration events were going to go on as planned, but they did. First, we started with the parade. Here are the boys in their shirts we made with pasta stamps!
After the parade, we headed to the carnival with Poppa, Eric, April, Carter, Andrew and Mallory. The first ride chosen by three of the boys was the dragon roller coaster. They all had fun, although as you can see from the look on Jaxon's face, he wasn't too sure. I found out after they got off that he didn't like Jaden putting his hands up. He wanted Jaden to hold his hand.
Carter talked Uncle Jason in to riding the Tornado! Uncle Jason looked a little green when he got off. :-)
Mallory wanted Jaxon to ride the boats with her. As you can see, she was having fun and he was a very intense driver.
All four boys chose to go on this fun obstacle course.
And Jaden wanted to go down the big slide with Aunt April. Wwwweeeeeeeee!
After the carnival, we went back to the house and joined the rest of the family for lunch. The kids did get in the pool for a little while, but it was pretty chilly. And it rained on and off all afternoon. But they still had lots of fun. They found that playing in the rain and going up and down the slide was lots of fun. I cannot even guess how many times these 5 kids went up and down this playset.
Then some of the adults got in on the action.
After supper, I didn't realize it until I looked at these pictures, but we segregated. The women inside...
And the men outside...
The rain did let up enough that we were able to have fireworks! I love having a house where we can enjoy the fireworks from the backyard. And we had a backyard full of people this year.
Hope every one of you had a great Independence Day celebration!

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