Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 4, 2010

I've ALWAYS wanted to go to a Ranger game on July 4th and this year my wonderful husband took us. Yeah!

We, of course, had to start the evening off in centerfield where the boys like to play the games. Jaden trying to get the ball in Ranger Captain's glove...
Jaxon hitting a homerun off the tee...
Both boys hitting in the little field in centerfield...
Here we are at our seats with BIG smiles on our faces 'cause Dad is so awesome!
Loved the patriotic-ness (I think I just made up that word :-) of the evening. The big flag, the flyover, etc. -- even the national anthem seems to have more meaning on July 4th.
Plus, you can't go to a Ranger game without having ice cream...
And then there were the fireworks! Woo-hoo! They were set to some great patriotic music.
Hope you all had a very Happy 4th of July!

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