Friday, August 13, 2010


Last weekend, we had a luau for our HomeBuilders class at church. It was really lots of fun! Lots of fun to set up and decorate and lots of fun to have. I hope everyone had as good a time as we did.

I'm not real sure that there has been many (if any) pictures of just Jason and I on this blog, so I had to share this one in our Hawaiian attire...
First, of course, we ate!
Here's the spread of food...
Then we played games. We did the hula -- hoops, that is...
We had a pig shoot -- with blindfolded shooters with water guns...
And had Hawaiian charades...
Then we had these scrumptious desserts that were made by my friend (and wonderful cook) Amy...
We had great food, fellowship and fun! Can't wait to do it again!

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