Monday, August 16, 2010

Yes, It Was Hot!

We decided to take a little vacation before school started -- so we chose San Antonio. Why, you might ask? Why would we choose the hottest place in Texas to vacation? Well, I guess because we're either crazy and like heat OR because our kids wanted to go to Sea World!

Beware: LOTS of pictures ahead... :-)

Day One
We started the first day at Sea World.
Just a sidenote here: This was the first trip we took that I did not take a stroller. And it was weird! Number 1 -- strollers are great to carry kids in. But Number 2 -- strollers are sometimes even better to carry stuff in! So I had to limit myself on what I took in and tried to get it in one not-so-heavy bag. I did, but I still missed the stroller.

There was also a little sadness there -- my kids don't actually need a stroller anymore. Yes, it would have been nice to have when their legs got tired, but they didn't need it. :-( I guess that's one of those milestones that are bittersweet.

Anyway, we started Sea World with the Shamu roller coaster. Jaxon was not so excited to get on it, but Jaden was. He loves the thrill of rides and he loves to hold his hands up. Here is Jason and Jaden on Shamu...
Most of Day 1 was spent at the Sea World water park, therefore I didn't have my camera with me most of the day. We had lots of fun at the water park going down many slides, swimming in the big wave pool, going down more slides, relaxing in the lazy river and anything we could do to stay cool.

When we got through at the water park we went to ride a couple of rides in the main park. We asked Jaxon if he wanted to ride this Journey to Atlantis ride that was a big boat. He said yes. I was VERY surprised. I mean -- I didn't even want to ride it. But all four of us got on. Going up was not a problem but when we got to the top and had to go down -- there was a problem. There was one dip in the ride before the big descent and Jaxon just cried and screamed. He did not like it. And I did not either. Bless the poor baby's heart -- he wanted off, but it wasn't over. We still had to go down the very big hill. We all made it down, got wet, and got off!

Jaden LOVED it -- and wanted to go again. Jaxon and I decided we would stay on the ground this time. This is a pic of Jason and Jaden riding it again and Jaxon watching -- much happier on the ground...
Jaxon loved climbing this big pirate ship. So, when Jason and Jaden wanted to ride the Atlantis ride again, we found ourselves here letting Jaxon climb...

Day Two
On the second day, we started with Dolphin Cove...
The boys liked getting to be this close to the dolphins. It was really neat! We spent Day Two walking around the main park looking at the exhibits and riding as many wet rides as we could to keep cool.

The heat was making these boys delirious...
And, yes, we got to see the famous Shamu...
Beetle Bop SHAMU!

Day Three
Another reason Jaden wanted to go to San Antonio was to see the Alamo. He had learned about it in school last year and was very excited to get to see it. So on Friday, we spent the day downtown sightseeing.

Even though he doesn't understand all the history behind this building yet, he was still very excited to see it and learn a little more...
After the Alamo and trying to walk on the RiverWalk for a while, we got hot again and the boys got a little bored. So, we found the Children's Museum. It was really neat and had lots of hands-on stuff for the kids.

Here are all three boys putting themselves inside a bubble...
They had a plane on the third floor and both the boys loved playing "pilot" and "passenger". It was lots of fun for them...
Then downstairs they had a kids' market where they could actually shop for groceries in baskets, check out at cash registers and go "home" to a play kitchen and cook a meal...
Here they are "milking" this cow...
Then they got to do a little science experiment in one of the rooms...
It was a neat place and best of all the boys had a great time and it was air-conditioned!

After a short swim in the pool by the boys and a little (very little) shopping by Mom, we did go on the RiverWalk again for a little while. The boys enjoyed seeing all the neat sites on the walk, but they enjoyed the river boat ride the most.
We even got to eat supper on the river. That was a neat experience!
Even though it was hot, we had a great time! We made lots of memories and I'm sure we will be going back there again someday to make some more!


  1. Sounds and looks like you guys had a great time! Glad you got to go and make some great memories.

  2. Next time you go, get in touch with Rob (aka Robert Lee) and his wife, Abby. They're living in San Antonio; Rob is youth minister at San Pedro Church of Christ.
    Suzanne Dennis

  3. FUN! We've tried a lot of children's museums, but never SA's. That HEB area looked so awesome! Loved all your SeaWorld pics...hoping to go in the fall when it's a bit cooler.
