Saturday, August 21, 2010

Last Day of Freedom...

So, Friday was our last {week}day of freedom before school starts on Monday. I tried to let Jaden pick things he wanted to do that day. The first thing he chose was go for a bike ride in the park. So, the three of us took off on our bikes that morning -- before it got too terribly hot!
We stopped for a water break...many times... :-)
We stopped to look at the prairie dogs...
We stopped to climb a tree...
We stopped to play in the park...
And the ride home was a little harder than the ride there. Jaxon's little legs were very tired. I guess we went too far. But we made it and had a great time!

At lunch, I remembered that we needed to go out to the Scurry County Museum to see some pictures the kids painted earlier in the summer. I had forgotten all about it and I'm not sure what made me think of it. But I did, so we did. And they were proud that their artwork was hanging on the wall of the museum...
I would love to see if anyone can guess what each painting is a picture of...let me know what you think.


  1. Jaden's is Woody and Buzz. Is Jaxon's Mr. Squeakers? Maybe Nemo? Sounds like a fun day!

  2. Oh yeah, and I really like Jaxon's hairdo in the tree picture!

  3. Jaxon's looks like Dory from Finding Nemo, but I can't be positive.

  4. Wish I had known they were at the museum (or maybe I should have gone for a closer look). I was at the museum last week and did see them at a distance.

  5. You're such a fun mom! What a great last day of freedom.
