Thursday, November 25, 2010

This week Jaxon and I got the privilege of keeping Keaton (my 7-week-old nephew) while his Mommy and Daddy worked for two days.  When my brother called and asked me if I would be interested in helping them out for a couple of days, I said "of course!"  I mean who in their right mind would pass up a chance to keep this...

The first night we were there, Jaxon and I hadn't even done anything -- but these two boys were zonked!

Jaxon and I had lots of fun and Jaxon was a really big helper!  One time when Keaton was a little fussy, he thought Keaton needed TWO pacifiers.  Keaton wasn't so sure...

Jaxon enjoyed holding Keaton while he watched TV.  Keaton seemed to enjoy himself as well...

Aunt Leslye gave Jaxon a job to wash all of Keaton's new toys with wipes to help get them clean before Keaton played with them.  This was a job Jaxon took very seriously...

And Jaxon was very good at making Keaton laugh.  He thinks his big cousin is pretty funny...

Uncle Joey let Jaxon pick lunch on Tuesday and he, of course, picked McDonald's.  They had a cool playground and we got to eat lunch in a big baseball glove...

Thanks Uncle Joey and Aunt Leslye for letting us keep Keaton!  We had lots of fun!  


  1. Thanks for coming and keeping him. Keaton had lots of fun with both of you, I know.

    Come back any time!

  2. We had fun with you here! Thanks for coming to watch Keaton for us!
