Sunday, November 14, 2010

Just Stuff...

We've been really busy lately, it seems, although I'm not sure what exactly we've been doing.  Soccer is over.  It was fun, but I think we were all ready for a break.

Jaden is busy with school, Destination Imagination, and piano lessons.  He's getting ready for his first concert.  He's working on three Christmas songs for it and is VERY excited about it.  It is amazing to me how well he is doing.  I talked to his piano teacher and she said he was definitely an achiever.  That's nice to know about your kids in whatever they are doing.

So, if you have nothing else to do and want to come hear him play, his first concert is December 18.

Jaxon and I are spending the days playing lots of games, lots of ball outside and watching some TV.  I would say those are his three favorite activities.  I, myself, am trying to relish this time I have with him before he starts school next year.  But we're NOT going to talk about that right now.

I must say he is absolutely the BEST helper there is.  He loves to help me around the house and I love that he does.  He's often saying, "Can I help you, Mommy?"  Well, of course.  We decided to make chocolate chip cookies the other day so I took pictures of him helping.  (I know, you're surprised at that.  :-)

Here he is sifting the flour...

And putting the dough on the pan (after eating a few chocolate chips, of course)...

Then enjoying the fruits of his labor...yum!

Halloween 2010

In all the craziness of the World Series weekend, I failed to blog about Halloween.  Better late than never, right?

Jaden is in the gifted and talented (GT) program at his school.  His GT teacher gave them the assignment to dress up as an inventor or an invention.  Wow!  That is an overwhelming task -- just to come up with what to do.  He first decided that he was going to be an invention, but then he had a really hard time deciding what invention to be.  He went around the house and wrote a few things down.  He finally decided to be a cell phone.  We had to make the costume; it couldn't be bought.  So, we got to work.  And here is what we came up with...

It was a big hit!  People kept stopping and dialing numbers on him.  He got a big kick out of that.  There were lots of creative ideas, but I thought this was the best, of course.  Don't you?  :-)

After school, I took the boys downtown to the square to do their trick-or-treating.  Jaden no longer wanted to be a cell phone.  So, he changed into his original Halloween costume as a football player along with Jaxon.

Here are our two little Snyder Tigers...

1 comment:

  1. Jaxon, good job helping Mom!! Jaden, I'm proud of you and all your accomplishments! Jami, you amaze me with all your creativeness, but then, you always have. Love you guys!!
