Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We went to the World Series!

(Or the World Serious as Jaxon called it.)  Oh, yes we did!  And I have LOTS of pictures to prove it.

When the Rangers clinched the American League championship (which Jason was there for -- you can read all about it on my brother's blog), Jason surprised us and told us he had World Series tickets.  Can you just imagine the excitement in our house when that was announced?!  

So, Sunday we went to the World Series.  The WORLD SERIES people!  I'm still having a hard time believing that OUR Texas Rangers were in the WORLD SERIES!

But they were -- and we were there!

After we parked, before we made the trek, the boys got their "claws" and "antlers" ready for the game!

This was a boat (I think) that was driving around the little lake that we walk over before going into the stadium.

Here we are -- at the WORLD SERIES!

Hey, have you heard -- the Rangers were in the WORLD SERIES!  (Ok.  I'll stop now.  :-)

We got to the stadium about 3 hours before game time so we had plenty of time to look around and take it all in.  The boys got to play in Centerfield for a little while.  That was fun for them.  I mean, after all, they were playing at the...you guessed it!

Here is Jaxon playing in the field and then hitting the ball.  Can you see that tongue action while hitting? Serious business.

Then, Jaden hit TWO homeruns on his second attempt at hitting.  He was so proud!

After the boys played, we watched the Rangers take batting practice for a while with hopes in catching a ball...but we didn't.  Oh, well.

Then we sat down in the Captain's Corner restaurant to eat a bite before we went to our seats.  Eric (Jason's brother) also got to go.  He had a single seat somewhere but the 5 of us squeezed into our 4 seats so we could all sit together.

We were on the upper deck and the boys thought these baseball lights were pretty cool.

Here we are...Game 4 of the WORLD SERIES!  (couldn't resist!  :-)

Lyle Lovett sang the national anthem but the coolest thing was this amazingly huge flag that service men and women unfurled in the outfield.  It was awesome!

The Bush presidents about to throw out the ceremonial first pitch...

The REAL first pitch...

This was late in the game when the Rangers weren't doing so hot.  The boys decided to try giving them the antlers and see if they could help a little...

Here is a pic after the disappointing loss...

And even though they didn't win that night or win the World Series all together, we are still proud of the Texas Rangers for an amazing season and making it as far as they did.  

And, we are so excited that we got to go to the WORLD SERIES!  A once in a lifetime chance?  Maybe.  But hopefully not.


  1. Okay, maybe I missed it somewhere, but "Where Were Yall"?

  2. I wish you guys could have gone to the World Series...oh, wait, I think I read that YOU DID!! Looks like a great time was had by all!! We were cheering very loudly at our house!

  3. And no pictures of Frankenstein?

  4. That's so cool!! So happy you had this awesome experience!

  5. That is so awesome! Glad you guys got to have that experience.
