I haven't wanted to do much this week. Maybe it's because I haven't felt very good -- just lots of sinus junk going on in my head. But besides that, I've had something else in my head: a lot of people on my mind. Several friends who are going through VERY tough situations -- all within the last couple of weeks.
I'm not going to mention everyone I know that is hurting, but I feel compelled to share two specific stories of faith. Stories that are not "stories." They are actually real life and my friends are facing this real life day by day. Both of these friends are in two very different situations. But at the same time, they are both in similar situations because they involve the life of a child. Their child.
Twelve days ago, my friends Lance and Jill took their 8-year-old son, Rex, to the pediatrician because he kept having headaches and getting sick. After two doctors, an MRI, and an initial diagnosis of a brain tumor, they were headed to Cooks Children's Hospital in Fort Worth the next day not knowing the journey that was before them. I found out about this on Tuesday, Nov. 23. On the same day and within about 30 minutes from getting this information by email, I was checking another friend's blog. Amy is pregnant with her third child and recently she and Dustin found out the baby is a girl. But twelve days ago, they too, found out their baby girl was sick. She has a congenital heart disease and they all face a rough road ahead.
Both of these families have been on my mind SO much lately. It's almost more than I can take. Don't get me wrong. I know I'm not nearly as upset about all this as they are. I know their minds and hearts are much heavier than mine. But I feel so helpless and both hit so close to home. Not because I've been through either of these things. But because I'm a mom.
I am happy to report that Thursday, Dec. 2, was a day of blessings for both families. Rex went through a 9+ hour brain surgery to remove his tumor. The pathology report has yet to come back, but the doctor is cautiously optimistic that the tumor is benign. Praise God! And, the doctor was able to remove the entire tumor. Amy and Dustin received a bit better news than they had the week before. The baby's heart is developing and functioning a little more than was first thought. They think she will actually be able to deliver the baby in Lubbock instead of Houston and may not have to have surgery the minute she's born. Praise God!
But even more than the good news that was received this week, I have to share that the road of faith they have both been down has been extremely uplifting to me. Both families, without even knowing it, have taught me SO much about faith and prayer and trusting in God alone this week! They have turned these situations over to God and God has answered their prayers. What a lesson for me! Sometimes that is really hard to do, but they have been a very strong example of it in these last twelve days.
I didn't ask their permission to share their stories, but I hope they won't mind. After all, they each have a blog about their experiences. If you're interested you can find Lance and Jill's amazing journey here. And Amy and Dustin's is here or on my blog list at the right (The Grigsby Family). I promise if you read them, you will be uplifted to!
Please continue to keep both families in your prayers. The pathology report should be in next week to confirm that the tumor was benign. But Rex still has a long road of recovery ahead and he is an active 8-year-old boy. :-) And even though the news was good on Thursday, that baby girl does still have a sick heart. So, pray that it continues to grow and function.
Thank you.
8 years ago
... from whom all blessings flow ...
Thank you, Jami. You are such a sweet friend. We appreciate the prayers so very, very much.
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