Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Birthday Party

Jaxon got to have his first "friend" birthday party this year.  He was SO excited!  He could hardly wait for his friends and cousins to arrive!

The theme:  Sports!  That's what he wanted.  And all he asked for was a chocolate cake with a basketball candle, football candle, baseball candle and soccer ball candle on it.  So, I thought it was great when I found these candles at the party store.  Score!  

Here are his crazy friends and cousins waiting to eat cake and ice cream!

Luckily it was a nice day so we got to play outside.  We played lots of games.  Here they are trying to see which team can get the most balls into the bucket.

This was a soccer shoot out.  Each one had to kick the ball from the base into the goal.

And, then there was sliding and LOTS of running and playing in the backyard.

It was a fun day and I still can't believe my baby is FIVE!

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