Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jaxon is 5!

Five years ago today, we were blessed with Jaxon Ryan West.

FIVE years!  Wow!  That's really hard to believe!

He's such a sweet boy.  He's caring.  He's loving.  He still gives the best hugs.  He's silly.  He likes to get his back scratched.  He loves to play games.  He sings when he thinks no one is listening.  He loves his big brother.  He can't wait to start school.  He likes to play outside.  He is a great soccer player.  He loves to draw and color.  He likes to be read to.  He likes to play with Legos.

Isn't this the best smile?!  (and he loves to have cRaZy hair)

And he is an all around cRaZy KiD!

Today we had a special day just chillin' at home and playing games and watching movies.  Unfortunately, Jaden was sick today so when Pawpaw, Nana and Granny came over to take Jaxon to supper, we ended up getting Jaxon's birthday supper from McDonald's (birthday boy's choice, of course) and bringing it home.

Then, we had "cake."  Well, kind of.  Jaxon requested oreos for his birthday dessert, so I made...or arranged...or stacked...oreos and then stuck five candles in them for him to blow out.  He thought it was cool.  :-)

Then, of course, there were presents.  A Play-doh game (which is lots of fun, by the way), a new Texas Rangers hat, Crayola Presto Dots, and more Legos!  Woo-hoo!

After Granny, Nana and Pawpaw left, we broke out the new Play-doh game.  Thanks to them for making Jaxon's day so special by driving over!

Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy!  We love you!


  1. We love you too! Glad you had such a fantastic birthday!!

  2. We love you too! Glad your day was superific!!!
