Thursday, January 6, 2011

West Family Christmas

Ok, so now that things have settled down a bit and all the Christmas stuff is put away and my house is back in order (almost) -- then let's talk about Christmas!

Jason's parents -- Memaw and Poppa -- took us all on a trip to Ruidoso, N.M., the week before Christmas.  It was great and we had so much fun!  They rented a condo that had room for all of us and the worst part about the whole trip was that the condo was four levels which meant THREE flights of stairs.  Oh my!  But it was great because there was room for everyone and all of the stuff we took.

We took a small Christmas tree and spent Sunday gathering pine cones, adding glitter and string and making some ornaments for the tree.  These guys took sticks and string and created their own ornaments.

Then we strung fruit loops...

And here's the five kids in front of our finished tree...

Of course, if you know this family, you know there were LOTS of games being played the whole week. 

Eric, Mallory and Poppa playing Hungry, Hungry Hippos...

Eric, Jaxon, Carter, Jaden, Jason and Andrew playing Wahoo...

Monday we made gingerbread houses.  Each kid got to make their own house.  I've actually never made a gingerbread house before, so it was fun and good to start small.  :-)

The weather was not cold and snowy like we had kind of hoped.  So, instead of playing in the snow, we went to ride the go-karts and play miniature golf.

This was one team and I just wanted to point out how all four boys are watching the pro so intently...

In this photo, Jaxon had just made a hole-in-one and Jaden was hoping to follow...

Tuesday was spent with April and I shopping, a lot of Wii playing, and just staying around the condo.

Wednesday, we got to go play in the snow.  It was a lot less snow than what we expected but it was still snow and it was still fun!

Here are the kids ready to go..

Jaden thought Mallory needed some antlers...

Here we are getting ready to go tubing.  We had LOTS of warm clothes to put on, but the temperature was so nice that we didn't wear most of them.

Here we are going up the "magic carpet" to the top of the mountain with our tube.  The first ride down was the four of us on this yellow tube.  It was so fun!

Here are Carter and Jaden right after they rode down one run together...

Here are Jason, Mallory (who you can't see in this pic), Eric, Jaxon and Andrew going down one run...

And here are eight of us about to tube down the big hill all hooked together.

I think this is what Mallory and Poppa did most of the time the rest of us were tubing down the mountain...

These two did actually go and here's a picture to prove it!

We had a great time.  Thanks Memaw and Poppa for a fun trip!

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