Friday, January 7, 2011

Roberts Family Christmas

So, one more Christmas post, I think.  After we got back from Ruidoso, we stopped in Snyder, did laundry, and headed to Abilene to have Christmas with my family.

We all got to be together for several hours on Christmas Eve.  It's always fun to get together with family.  Lots of eating, playing games and opening presents is what we do.

These three silly boys were playing in the floor...

Then someone thought Keaton might wanted to be added to the mix, but he doesn't look too thrilled to me...

Sweet Keaton looks much more comfortable here.  What cute boys we have, huh?!

Here are the three girls in our matching shirts...

Granny with Jaxon, Keaton, Jaden and Cody...

And I just thought this was a sweet picture of my brother and Keaton.  He's already following in the "Great Dads" tradition of our family.  Love you, bro!

And, of course, there were LOTS of presents to open.  We got that done in no more than 10 minutes.  Whew!  Then we got to play, play, play!

Hope everyone had as great a holiday as we did with family and friends!
Love to all!


  1. Such a special time with family and fun, fun, fun!!!!!

  2. Whew we are a good lookin' group!! Seriously...what a fun time we had! Wish we could all get together like that more often. GOOD JOB! Love you!
