Sunday, May 1, 2011

Just keep reading...

Ok.  So I know that I have not updated this blog in a while.  Quite a while.  Too long in fact.  And so now I have to make one long entry just to get everyone caught up on what has been going on.  So, if you want to know what's been going on, just keep reading.

The Bombers
First of all, we should probably start with Jaxon's baseball season.  He's been practicing for several weeks now, and Thursday he finally had his first game.  He was SO excited as I'm sure you can imagine!  When we got his jersey and hat that day, he came home and laid it all out on his bed so he would be ready to get dressed when it was time.

His first time up to hit -- he got a double and two RBIs.  Woo-hoo!  Check out that tongue...

Down and ready in the field...

Here he is when he got on first base...

Love our #12...

Easter Weekend
Our Easter Weekend was so much fun even though we spent a lot of time in the car.  This year we got to go down south for the West Family Reunion.  There is always a reunion on Easter weekend, but we rarely get to go because of the fact that Easter usually falls before April 15th.  So, because this year it came afterward, our whole clan decided to make their way south this year.

First, was the long drive down there.  We broke it up by meeting up with Memaw, Poppa, Eric, April, Carter, Andrew and Mallory to spend the night near San Antonio on Thursday night.  The next day, we traveled on down the road.  At one pit stop, the grandkids decided it would be a really good idea for all five of them to ride with Memaw and Poppa.  So, they did.

Looks quiet and very controlled to me.  Do you think it was that way the whole ride?  :-)

When we got to Corpus Christi on Friday and checked into our hotel, we immediately got our swim suits on and headed to the beach.  The wind was awful, but we had been looking forward to the beach for so long, it didn't stop us.

We first put our feet in the water and it was a little chilly.  Here is Jaden running away from the water because he thought it was a little too cold.  But he eventually got used to it, as did the rest of us, and we had some fun.  The other pic is Jaxon jumping over the waves.

After we had had enough wind, salt water, and sand, we headed inside to swim in the pool.  Here are my guys looking cool in the pool.

Saturday morning Eric, April and Poppa decided to take all the kids to the USS Lexington.  They apparently had a great time.

Then it was time for the family reunion.  It was at Poppa's cousin's pasture by the creek.  It was such a great place!  They had set up a tent which made it nice to have shade.

Besides lots of food, family and fellowship, the day was complete with baseball games, an Easter egg hunt...

...and an egg toss...

You might not be able to tell from this pic, but Jason did catch the egg unbroken.  Unfortunately, Jaden (on the left side of the pic) dropped his and he and his partner were out of the game.

Here is Uncle Jason being silly with Mallory -- as usual.

Since we don't get to go to the reunion very often, we had to take this pic of all of us to prove we were there.

I just liked these next two pics and thought I'd share...

So, Sunday was spent pretty much in the car.  We got up and left Corpus early to head home.  We made a stop in San Antonio for worship and lunch and then drove and drove and drove until we got home.

When we finally made it home, the boys were very glad to be able to roam and play in the backyard.

Walk for Fitness
The Thursday before we left for Corpus, Snyder Elementary had a Walk for Fitness and invited family members to walk with the kids.  So, Jaxon and I went to the school to walk with Jaden.  Most of the time, Jaden spent running with his friends, but Jaxon and I did get a little time to walk with him.

It's the Cheese!
About three weeks ago, Jaden had his program at school.  Just like last year, he LOVED getting read for this show.  He couldn't wait until the day they got to perform, and then when it was over, he said he missed practicing for it.

It was a really cute show!  For many weeks, he had been singing us the songs at home.  Therefore, Jason, Jaxon and I were all able to sing along with the kids on stage.  :-)

The first part of the show was the "Farmer in the Dell" and he was the "child" in that song.  He loved getting to be one of the "cast" members in the play.

He even had a speaking part and ate that up.  He also knew everyone else's lines -- just in case he needed to step in and help.  :-)

His friend and classmate Shelby (to the left of him) was the "cheese" and they had lots of fun with the play together.

Anyway, it was really cute.  If Jaden had his way, they would get to do more than one play a year.  But for now, we'll just have to savor the memory of "cheese"!

So, now you are officially caught up on the lives of these four Wests.  If you made it this far in the reading, congratulations.  I will try hard not to store up so much next time.

1 comment:

  1. How come you didn't mention anything about your phone swimming with the sharks? Looks like you guys have been having lots of fun!
