Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Mother's Day is always special for me.  I mean, after all, I have been blessed all my life with women who have inspired me, loved me, nurtured me, and have been such great examples in my life.

My Mom...

My Granny...

My Mom (Roberts)...

And my other Mom...

Mother's Day is also very special for me because I am so blessed to be a Mom.  God has blessed me with two wonderful children!  There was a time when I didn't think I'd ever have that privilege.  But I do.  And for that I am VERY grateful!  I just hope that one day my boys look up to me like I look up to my own Mom and the other three women pictured above.  

So, for this 2011 Mother's Day, I got to spend it with my three favorite guys at one of our favorite places -- the Ranger game.  It was hot and they lost; but it was fun, because I was with the ones I most wanted to be with on that special day.

We started the morning going to early services at a congregation we frequently visit when in the metroplex.  We had a little time so I wanted to get some pictures with my boys.  One was cooperative, the other was not.

Then I got this cute picture even though Jaxon still wasn't very excited about it.  At least we got a smile out of him.

We had great seats at the game...

And look who we ran into...
My sister also got Ranger tickets for Mother's Day.  We didn't get to sit with them, but we got to see them for a little bit.

The boys, of course, got to play in centerfield (where, by the way, Jaden hit four homeruns)...

Cody pitching...

Unfortunately, the Rangers didn't pull out a win.  This is a pic of one very upset Jaden after the Yankees hit a grand slam.  Ugh!  He was SO not happy!

After the game, the boys got to go on the field and run the bases -- all three of them.  They were all pretty excited!

Thanks, guys, for a wonderful Mother's Day!  I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet blog and you are an AWESOME MOM and DAUGHTER. Love you so much!
