Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Fun Weekend!

Who wouldn't have fun with this face around...
Isn't he adorable?!  We got to spend last weekend in Stephenville with my brother, his wife, and cute little boy, Keaton!  We had so much fun.  It had been WAY too long since we had gotten to spend any time with them.

Keaton and Jaxon took a minute to pose for me...

Keaton playing with Uncle Jason...  

Who is Keaton going to roll the ball to?  Can you tell they are all anxiously waiting?

There was Ranger-watching going on...

And, of course, baseball in the backyard with Uncle Joey...

And frisbee golf...

And lots of inside playing since it was so hot.  Jaxon thought it would be funny to put these rings on Keaton's head.  Don't think Keaton was too sure about it though...

Keaton and Jaden stopped to pose for me...

Do you think Keaton gets his picture taken as much as my boys do?  Hmmm...yes, I think!

A little TV watching on the couch...

We had such a great time!  Thanks Joey, Leslye and Keaton for a great weekend!


  1. Starkye aka EllyeJune 9, 2011 at 6:10 AM

    Handsome boys! I love all those grins!

  2. So glad you came! We had lots of fun! Great pictures!
