Wednesday, June 1, 2011

And...The Rangers Win!

Every time.  And for this team, we were keeping score.  My goodness, we even kept a book.  I kept it (or Memaw if I wasn't there because of Jaxon's pratice or games).  And let it be known that if either one of us made a mistake -- Jaden would let us know.  He and I would go over it every morning before school on the day after a game.  He's got a memory about a baseball game just like his Daddy.  And, yes, I was wrong a few times.  But he fixed it.  :-)

Here are a couple of pictures from the season...

This was a fun season.  Not just because they won.  But there were several boys on the team who like baseball as much as my boys do (yes, all three of them!).  So, they had lots of fun playing together.  

These were the guys that when Jason said practice was over, they were still out there catching, throwing and hitting.  

These were the guys that when a game was over, they were still out there catching, throwing and hitting.  

And these are the guys that even though the season is over, they are still out there catching, throwing and hitting as much as we will allow them to all get together and do so.
Blaine, Karson, Ryan, Jaden and Ryker

And remember these two?
They are right out there with them.

As I've already said once, the Rangers went undefeated this season.  (It's worth mentioning again, don't you think?!)  That was fun.  It's fun to play baseball!  But it's really fun to play baseball and win!

Here's a pic of the team taken after the last game.  Can those smiles get any bigger?!

And here are my three guys looking good.  The No. 1 Rangers player...The No. 1 Rangers coach...and the No. 1 Rangers fan!


  1. Jaden, we are proud of you--you are an awesome baseball player!

  2. I'm sorry I missed it all, but I was wondering how the "fan" is the one with the dirtiest uniform?

  3. Woohoo! Way to go Jaden! Sorry we didn't get to see you play, but we're very proud of you!! Cute guys!
