Saturday, July 30, 2011

Colorado Vacation - Part 2

I bet you didn't think I was coming back, did you?  I was beginning to wonder myself.  But here I am -- ready for part 2.

After the four of us left Canon City, we headed to South Fork, Colorado, to meet up with Nana, Pawpaw, Aunt Tami, Uncle Jeff, Cody, Justin, Angela, Sydney and Jeffrey.  They go to Fun Valley campground every year and are always asking us to go with them.  So, this year, we did.  The boys had an absolute blast following Cody around all over the place.  And it was fun to go camping.  Wouldn't want to sleep in a tent more than three nights, but three nights was fun.

Here are the boys helping Jason put up our "home."

But that didn't last long -- when the train came by and Nana said "let's go!"  Of course, that looked way more fun than helping put up a tent. 

I found the boys once by the river.  Cody was trying to show them how to skip rocks.

This was our first meal outside that night.  Uncle Jeff cooked hamburgers and they were yummy!  There's just something about eating outside when camping that makes the food taste better, don't ya think?!

After supper the first night, we all headed over to the barn for karaoke night.  Our little performer just had to get up on that stage.  So, he talked Aunt Tami into singing "My Girl" with him.  Now let's be sure and get this straight -- there was not much twisting her arm.  She's a performer, too, ya know.  :-)

Cody raised the house with "The Shake."

And then my family conspired against me and talked me into singing "Dancing Queen" with my sister.  It's one of our favorite songs to do together -- in the car or in the comfort of our own homes.  But I did it in front of an audience -- unheard of.  But I will admit it was kind of fun -- a little embarrassing -- but fun!

The next day, the four of us had reservations to go white water rafting in Creede, Colorado.  We couldn't get anyone else to join us, but we had fun!  Nana and Pawpaw went with us into Creede for a little shopping and lunch.  Then, the theater there just happened to be having a fun story time that afternoon.  It was just before we had to be at the rafting place, so we had time to go.  The actors read books and acted out books and told funny stories.  We had a great time!

After that, Nana and Pawpaw headed back to the campground while the four of us got "suited up" to go rafting.

I wasn't able to take any pictures on the raft, although now I wish I had left my camera out to do so.  But, oh well.  It was so cool!  Jaxon was very leery of it at first, and really wasn't sure he wanted to go in the first place.  But after we talked him into joining us, he was so glad he did -- and so were we!  We will definitely be doing that again.  This was our guide, Jeff, who was really cool!

The next day we just hung around Fun Valley.  We saw A LOT of this...

I mentioned earlier that the boys enjoyed following Cody around everywhere.  That was so true.  And usually we saw the back of them on their bicycles.  I'm pretty sure Jaden and Jaxon enjoyed the bit of freedom they got doing this.  I know they enjoyed doing whatever Cody did.  Just not sure how Cody felt about it, but he was a good big cousin to let them follow!  :-)

They spent most of the time when they weren't on their bikes in the rec hall watching or playing games.  Nana gave them money every day for that and, believe me, they used it.

When it got a little warm during the middle of the day, we went inside the camper to play games.

We played miniature golf with the whole clan.  

Then Jaxon, Jason, Jaden and I went for a paddle boat ride.

Jason and I drove to the top of the hill to take a picture of our camp site.  You can see our little tent amongst all the nice campers.  But, it made a good place to sleep for three nights.

Well, that's about it.  And after about 1,500 miles, we were glad to see this sign.


  1. Very good!! We had such a great time! I think I might be motivated now to update my blog! Couldn't you have found some skinnier pictures of me??

  2. SOOOO much fun!!!! Enjoyed every minute of the time together.
