Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Independence Day!

We got home from Colorado very late Saturday, July 2.  So July 3, we started celebrating the holiday.  We unloaded the car and threw everything in a corner to get ready to have people over.  If you haven't spent a fourth of July holiday in Snyder, then you're missing out.  There's always so much to do -- a parade, arts and craft show, walking through the park seeing everyone you know, eating, and, of course, fireworks.  

Because of the drought, most places cancelled their fireworks show.  Snyder decided to continue with the fireworks, though, so we had lots of people from surrounding towns come enjoy our town.

Joey, Leslye and Keaton were in Snyder for the weekend, so we got to spend lots of time with them and Rick and Kellye (Leslye's parents).  Not only that, but some of Kellye's family came and we got to share our swimming pool, eat with them and enjoy the fireworks all together.  So, glad that Gary, Hollye, Gran, Amy, Abby and Anson all came to join in the fun, too!

We started the morning on July 4th with the parade.

Sidenote:  the boys and I made these shirts before we left for Colorado so we would be sure and have them done when we got back.  It was fun!  We made Jason one not knowing if he would join us, but he did and we were so happy!

Leslye, Joey and Keaton waiting for the parade...

After the parade and lunch at Rick and Kellye's, everyone came over to our house to play and swim.

First, there was a serious game of Nerf dart tag going on...

Keaton had lots of fun in the car...

Joey and Jaden playing a rough game of basketball...

Jaxon showing us how he learned to float at swimming lessons...

Uncle Jason swimming with Keaton and rubber ducky...

Keaton loved the water.  Jaxon thought he needed lots of toys to play with so he shared.  Then he would play peek-a-boo with Keaton and go under the water and back up.  Keaton thought that was pretty fun!

Sweet picture...

After we had been in the pool for a while, it started raining.  Yes, I said RAINING!  And we didn't mind.  We stayed in the pool for a while, but then it started raining hard so we all got under the porch to wait it out.

Jaden and Jaxon thought it would be lots of fun to slide down the wet slide...

It has rained the last three years on July 4th.  Maybe we should rearrange our calendar to have more July 4ths?!

But, the rain didn't last long, so we still got to finish our festivities for the night.  Homemade ice cream, goodies, a little slidin'...

A little playin' while we waited on the fireworks...

And, finally, the fireworks!

It was so much fun!  July 4th here always is!  So thankful for so many things that day!

Just had to end with these two pictures, 'cause, well, they're so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! It was so much fun! Thanks for hosting a great celebration!
