Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Getting Close...

...WAY too close!  School starts Tuesday and I'm not ready!  But, we're not going to talk about that right now! 

What we are going to talk about is Jaxon and the fact that he starts school Tuesday.  And I'm not ready!  Oh, wait...not supposed to talk about that right now!  

I don't know if you remember reading on this blog about Jaden getting a special tour of the elementary school from our friend/family member/honorary grandmother (a.k.a., Starkye), Kelly Starnes, before he went to Kindergarten.  Well, she had to do the same for Jaxon.  So, a couple of weeks ago, she picked up Jaxon for their special date.

She took him to tour the halls of the school.  He had so much fun!  

A pic with the artwork on the wall Mom did.  Yay!

He will be on the West Hall -- appropriate, isn't it?!

Here he is helping the new principal, Mrs. Rhodes, sort stickers.  He and Mrs. Rhodes are already pretty tight.  :-)

And here's more wall artwork Mom did.  The theme for the year is "The Journey Begins..."
Kellye also got Jaxon a Snyder Primary t-shirt that he is so excited to have.

He's very excited to start school.  Me...well...we'll talk about that later.  :-)


  1. You can do it!!!! And you don't have to talk about it at all. You will be fine and Jaxon will have a blast!! You'll be up there all the time anyway...
