Thursday, August 18, 2011

More Summer Fun

At the end of July, we got to spend a little time in Stephenville -- very little.  But it was fun!  I got to go help Leslye with her classroom with Kellye and Keaton while my three boys and Joey played some golf.

I got to do what I love to do when I help Leslye -- paint her glass doors.  It really is so fun for me!

Keaton was so good while we all worked in her room.  He found a pointer that he just had to have.  Another teacher in the family some day?  Hmmm....

Then he watched me paint for a while.  He really, really wanted to get his hands on that paint.  :-)

Here is the finished product -- "Blast Off to Planet Pre-K."  Wouldn't you love to be in Mrs. Roberts room?  I would!

The next day we went to a Ranger game with Rick, Kellye, Joey, Leslye and Keaton.

Jaxon is trying to keep Keaton entertained -- looks to me like it was working.

Aren't these three just adorable?!

We had to pull out the rally caps at the end -- and they worked!

The next night, the four of us stayed in Arlington and headed to another Ranger game.  Jason had gotten the tickets way in advance.  He has a habit of not telling us where we are sitting until we get to the game.  He likes to surprise us -- he's fun that way!

This night, we had GREAT seats -- in the commissioners box!  He was leading us to our seats and we just kept walking down further and further.  Until we got to the FIRST row.  Wow!  This is the picture of the boys I took right after we sat down.  Can you see those smiles on their faces?!  Just a little excited!

Had to take this one for my sister.  We were very close to Ian!

Michael Young batting.  I had fun with my new camera, too!

And we even got on the jumbotron!  Fun, fun!

1 comment:

  1. I will have to say that all of the pictures are great, and 3 such cute little boys! The picture of Ian wasn't too bad either!! Thanks for thinking of me from the front row!
