Thursday, August 4, 2011

More Baseball...

A couple of weeks ago I needed to go to a PTA convention and my boys went to Austin with me so I didn't have to go by myself.  Yay!  They played while I sat in classes.  But, in the evenings, I got to go play with them.

We went to a Round Rock Express game on Friday and Saturday night.  The Express is one of the Texas Rangers minor league teams, so we even got to see some Rangers players play.

The first night we sat on a blanket on the grass in the outfield.  

Jaden thought it would be fun to roll down the grassy hill.

And here is Jaxon, doing something he loves to do.  Playing his own baseball game while we watched the one for real behind him.  It's hard to capture this in a snapshot, but he is always playing his own baseball game in his head -- complete with him pitching, batting, being the coach, and many other things.  

It was fun, but then of course, we think baseball is always fun!

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