Monday, August 8, 2011

Roberts Family Weekend

My family usually tries to get together in the summer.  For the past few years, we've met in Arlington to go to a Ranger game together and then do some other fun stuff like shopping, playing, and going to a water park.

This year, the Rangers did not cooperate with all of our schedules.  :-(   So instead, everyone came to Snyder to stay with us and play and swim and eat and swim and sing and swim.  We had a house full for a weekend, but it was fun!

Jaxon started the weekend, doing something he does best -- entertain Keaton.

While Jaden and Joey had a hot game of baseball going outside.

There was lots of swimming -- in case I didn't mention that before.

Playing games...

Lots of picture taking...

Lots of talking amongst the "wise ones"...

Then, we had a "dive-in movie" night outside.  It was so much fun!  What is it that seems so cool about watching a movie outside?!  

The only one who actually took advantage of the "dive-in" idea...

Then, Sunday after church, we posed for more pictures.  It's not very often that we can get Nana or Granny in a picture, so we took the opportunity to do so.


  1. You have been quite the busy blogger!! Great pictures and we had a really fun time!!

  2. We DID have fun!!! Thanks for having all the family!
