Monday, August 15, 2011

KTAB Comes to Snyder

Several weeks ago (I'm STILL trying to catch up  :-), the KTAB news team came to Snyder as part of its summer road show.  We thought it would be a great idea for our favorite newscaster from KTAB and his family to come spend the day at our house before the newscast that evening.  And that is exactly what they did.  Yay!

In case you didn't know, that favorite newscaster and sports guy is David Robinett.  He and Conni have been friends of ours for...uh...going on 17 years now.  Wow!  That sounds like a lot when you write it out, huh?!

Here is everyone sitting around the table after lunch.

It just so happened to be David's birthday.  So we, of course, celebrated!  The boys made signs and put them up all over the house.  It was fun!

When it was time for David to head down to the town square for the newscast, Conni, Allison and Analise (Allison's friend) headed back to Abilene.  We got cleaned up and headed to the square, too, for some fun!

They had a table where anyone could make signs to show support for the KTAB newscasters.  Jaden made a sign that said, "Happy Birthday, Sports Dude!"  No one else knew it was David's birthday, so the guy with the microphone came over and saw Jaden's sign and asked him about it.  Jaden was pretty proud that he was the one that told everyone it was David's birthday.  Later, this guy had everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to David.  :-)

Jaxon won a temperature contest.  They had a contest to see who could guess what the temperature would be at 6:30.  Jaxon guessed 100 and he got it right.  He won a t-shirt and grabbed and went running -- because unlike his big brother, he did not want to be on TV.

Jaden tried to get on TV every opportunity he could.  David helped him out a little in this shot.  He put Jaden on his back and walked behind the museum guy and Sam (right of pic) so they could both be on TV.  Silly boys!

Here is our friend, David, talking to our friend, Brandon, about the upcoming football season.  

It was pretty cool to see David in "action" and the boys got a little preferential treatment that they enjoyed immensely!

1 comment:

  1. That Jaden is such a ham!! Just not sure which side of the family he gets it from...Just saying.... Glad they had such a good time!
