Friday, November 18, 2011

Halloween 2011

Just thought I'd post a few pics of our Halloween.

Here is our cute little Mario.  He did not want to wear a moustache to school and they couldn't wear make-up so whenever someone would ask him where his moustache was, he would do this...

These are a couple of pics from Jaxon's school Halloween party...

They got to learn all about how cotton candy is made and then try some... Yum!

So, before I show you Jaden, let me give a little explanation.  Just like last year, Jaden had a GT assignment.  Instead of an invention like last year, this year he had to come up with something that was built.  Wow!  Again, an overwhelming task!  He had already planned on being Josh Hamilton for Halloween.  So, he asked his teacher since God "built" Josh Hamilton, could he still be him.  She said, "good point, but no."  So, he had the bright idea to still be Josh Hamilton...but be Josh Hamilton INSIDE the ballpark.

So, as soon as he decided this we got to work.  It was a really fun project to work on with him, but it did get a little complicated.  Luckily, Jason still had some old computer boxes at the offices, so we utilized them.  I mean, they were just sitting their collecting dust.  :-)

And, here is the finished product...

Loved it!  And so did everyone else!

His GT teacher, Mrs. Molter, was a sandwich. 

There were other cute, creative ideas, but of course we thought this was pretty cool!

Here are the principals of the elementary school with Jaden.  These ladies have been a major, positive asset to our school this year.  I mean, how many principals do YOU know who would dress up like this?  The kids loved it!

The night before Halloween we had a fall festival at our church fellowship hall.  The boys had lots of fun, and I forgot to take my camera.  But some high school girls did some face painting and they got Jaden good!  

And this was actual trick-or-treating on Halloween.  Jaden went without the ballpark, for the most part, and Jaxon decided Mario needed a moustache.

1 comment:

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    Have a great day.
